How to insall git and upload fies for version control

how to update your files into git hub (version control )

version control by git hub , or updating you codes into git hub

  • Here only how to update i.e - how to push is explained
  • This assumes you have a git hub or bit bucket account
  • author email

How to install git in your linux system is instructed here

>>if you have not installed the git on your computer type the following commands

apt-get install git
this will install git on your pc

now visit to and sign up

in your computer open the terminal and type

git config --global "john doe"
replace the user name with your user name

git config --global
replace the email address with your email id

and type the following command as it it

git config --global push.default matching

git config --global checkout
after you are finished with all these steps follow the steps below

Here is steps to starts after installing

>> open up your browser and go to or bit bucket and sign up

>> after that go to settings and create a new Repositary
under Repositary menu

dont close the open page as it needs has instructions
you need to addone ssh key in order to secure your connection

>> for adding the key go to setting and click on add a key
at the same time move to your project folder by

cd /root/Documents /examplefolder

you need the ssh key so type
cat /root/.ssh/
if you get some error there follow the following steps as there is now key found on your linux system

try the code cd %userproile%/.ssh
this should show you some o/p , in case it doesn't show you try folowing

open the terminal and type ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

The above line will generate the key

you need to press enter 2 -3 times , pass the passphrase if you want but default will also work with the git

To check and to change the directory type cd ~/.sshThis will take you to /root/.shh folder

now concatenate cat the

and copy the out put and paste it in the key in

how to work with the git Repositary

you need to intialise git in your directory so type

git init

from the Repositary page copy the code which looks like follows

git remote add origin

Then to add all files to git you need to type

git add .

now git wants you to make chages with a comment for that you need to type the command below

git commit -m "first commit"

the first commit is your comment about the version ,you can type too version1.o

now you need to upload the files into git hub

the command for first time upload is follows

git push -u origin master

this will ulodad your code to the git hub for the first time

again when you made any changes to codes and you want to update you need to upload

git push
this will upload your code with out hassel

This article is written by

Rinakan Rohit Jena


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