penetration testing in real workd introduction lect_01

Daemons and introduction to bash scripting

Introduction to kali Deamons and bash shells

  • Introduction to the services and how to manage them in kali
  • How to write custom bash scripts (methodology )

Hi i am Rikan .

Here i would be uploading all the challenges i am facing learning cyber Security

This will be a well documented journey as i think , in my past i have never gone for a

documented journey while learning something but this time i am trying this as someone else can

also get help from me . By the way thanks for being a part of this journey , today is 3rd sept 2019.

and my journey starts from here

Introduction to the services

In introduction to the kali interface , you will notice a ton of tools which will help you to

breach the Security

The ssh and apache2 are works as the services

They are located as in the /usr/bin/

The files are in the format of .d i.e demon format

For example /usr/bin/ssh.d

To start the service or Demons the following commands are used

systemctl service_name start/stop/restart/enable/disable service service_name start/stop/restart/enable/disable
The above commands can be remembered by system control then service name followed by what you want to do

  1. Example service ssh start
  2. Example systemctl ssh start

The other way is to make a boot p resistance while booting the system
that can be done by the file updat-rc.dfile,below is one example

lets assume i want ssh to be started while system boots up
The command for that will be

update-rc.d enable ssh
For disabling it while start up the following code can be used

updat-rc.d disable ssh

Bash Shell commands and scripts

Bash Shell is the terminal window what you will be using in kali for most of the time as its

the built in shell in kali machine . This usually coded using C language for faster execution of codes

Here i am considering that you know a little bit about commands of linux

Some of the basic commands

some basic commands are follows which will help to locate file directory ,files in the directory.
  1. locate :locate command is used to find where the file is located in the linux file system
  2. find:find is also used for the same purpose as locate and its bit slow as its serch entire directories
  3. which :which command is used to find the path of the file

syntax and use of some useful command lines

some of the syntax are given below for the above commands
find {directory} [option ] filename
find / -name sbd.exe

:it means find in the root directories a file named as sbd.exe

locate command works quickly as its linked to the the data base built in for file system of linux os the command to uppdate the data base manually is updatedb

bash scripting (one sample)

Bash scripting can be very useful and handy to automate simple tasks

for example to see the sub domain ips by one by one url found in the file

in a txt file can be done through a simple bash script as follows


for url in $(cat filename.txt );
host url |grep "address has " |cut -d "space' -f4

open your favorite text editor like emacs , nano, viand punch in the codes and see the magic
try to write the script for the ping command to ping a network range

also give a try to write a script for saving a page of a website as a parameter and extract its all subdomain and their ips

This article is written by

Rinakan Rohit Jena


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