
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to insall git and upload fies for version control

how to update your files into git hub (version control ) version control by git hub , or updating you codes into git hub Here only how to update i.e - how to push is explained This assumes you have a git hub or bit bucket account author email How to install git in your linux system is instructed here >>if you have not installed the git on your computer type the following commands apt-get install git this will install git on your pc now visit to and sign up in your computer open the terminal and type git config --global "john doe" replace the user name with your user name git config --global ...

How to install wine in kalilinux for using .exe files in linux

How to install wine in kalilinux How to install wine in kali linux full guide i was trying to install wine in my kali but i was failing again and again as kali is based on the debian version of linux , and also people rarely luse kali linux as their first operating system. Here is how i did it >>first you need to add the proper architecture i386 into your system for that use the following code sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 >>the next thing you need to get is the key wget -nc >> now time for some heavy lifting you need to add the the source into the source.list emacs /etc/apt/sources.list >...

fixing the apt-get install lock issues on kali linux

Some times you may see some error while trying to download a new piece of script or file through the package installer ,and that might contain some string like E: locked or something like this  >>why this happens?? Ans: This problem occours as the apt-get process is used by another file or you can think it as busy now . >> What is the solution to it ?? Ans: So simple , you need to stop those processes of apt-get  at once  so run the following code in the terminal . >> killall apt-get And you are done . :)

How to fix kali linux bluetooh headset issue

codes used::: all codes are meant to be use as super user . >> apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pavucontrol bluez-firmware #this will install some firmware for your headset >>service restart bluetooth >> systemctl restart bluetooth #any of these commands will do  your work with no time, as this is meant to restart your bluetooth service >>killall pulseaudio # this meant to kill all pulse audio working files and then it will restart the process >>>>Now go to your bluetooth on the right hand side above UI , then from there disconnect the headset and again pair it and you are done . note : if you have started any audio soft ware or browser before connecting the head phone run the >>killall pusleaudio once to fix it